Constructs a UniNode
Constructs a UniNode
Constructs a UniNode with gc
Constructs a UniNode with gc and throw
Constructs a UniNode sequence from arguments
Check type node
Convert UniNode to primitive type
Convert UniNode to mapping
Convert UniNode to primitive type or return alternative value
Convert UniNode to sequence
Returns the length sequence types
Iteration by Node mapping
Implement operator in for mapping
Compares two UniNodes for equality.
Implement index operator by Node array
Implement index operator by Node object
Implement index assign operator by Node sequence
Implement index assign operator by Node mapping
Implement operator ~= by UniNode array
Implement operator ~= by UniNode array
Convert UniNode to optional primitive type
Convert UniNode to optional primitive type
Convert UniNode to optional mapping
Convert UniNode to optional mapping
Convert UniNode to optional sequence
Convert UniNode to optional sequence
Particular keys in an Node can be removed with the remove
Inserting if not present
Return tag Node
Returns the hash of the Node's current value.
Returns string representaion
Construct empty Node mapping
Construct empty Node sequence
A UniNode implementation